list of archived news?

James Byrne
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 21:48:46 +0000

Thanks for your thoughts Al,

I think maybe I wasn't clear what I was after - I want to have a list of the
archived news from the same Manila site (beyond the number of days specified
in the prefs) - not from other sites. (I can afford to pay $200 for Manila
hosting, and I've no reason to think isn't a good service, but
as far as I am aware they don't provide the ManilaFixer plugin which is
critical to the way I work.)

All the best,

on 13/11/02 6:31 pm, Al Mac at wrote:

> Several ideas come to mind, of getting something very similar.
> If you can afford to pay $200.00, Bryan Bell of probably can
> create a template just for you, that has everything you need.  He is
> obviously very prolific at dreaming up template variations.
> Look at some of the different templates, where you can populate stuff down
> the side.
> You could have a story called ARCHIVES which would be added to the
> discussion group or cool places links, then that story would be the actual
> links to archived news.
> I posted something here recently in another thread about blogrolling link
> services.  Since then I have posted a story on my weblog that provides
> links to such places.
> Most of these services are for us to be cross-linked with other weblogs,
> but if you used treating each of your archived entries as
> separate web sites, you could get pretty close to this.  It would probably
> be at the side rather than the bottom.
>> I'm looking for a way to show a list of archived news items at the bottom of
>> a Manila site. I have had a look on the Manila Newbies site - but have not
>> came across a way of getting simple list of archived news - I don't want to
>> have a calendar on the page. Any ideas or pointers?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> --
>> Jim Byrne Project Director, The Making Connections Unit, Glasgow Caledonian
>> University, Glasgow G4 OBA, 0141 331 3893
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