RSS in an editor's only site

David A. Bayly dbayly at
Wed Jun 2 05:11:31 PDT 2004

The addedValues plugin implements authenticated RSS out of Manila. 
Terse description <>

At 07:35 -0400 04/06/02, Stephen Waters wrote:
>I've got an editor's only site with syndication turned on for the 
>home page and discussion group messages but without it being sent to 
>Should a newsreader be able to get the rss feed? How can cookies be 
>authenticated. They are logged in on the browser, Safari, but I 
>wouldn't expect Newswire to be able to detect that.
>Ranchero Software says:
>"NetNewsWire can read sites that use http authentication -- but I 
>don't know if the RSS feeds for editors-only sites are available 
>that way. (They may require a cookie instead.)
>"I vaguely remember that at some point UserLand made it possible to 
>read them via http authentication, but I'm not positive. I'd 
>recommend asking them about it."
>So I am.


- David Bayly.       Programmer and digest reader.     dbayly at udena dot ch
  		Digest Readers do it once a day.

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