New Message: Need to relaunch Frontier to make it visible to web clients

Tom Clifton tclifton at
Tue Jul 26 18:08:22 CDT 2005

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 21:02:24 +0000, webmaster at stated:

>For some time I have been dealing with an odd and annoying startup
>problem on my OS X install of Frontier 9.1.
>When the machine starts up after being turned off, Frontier and
>everything else (Radio, WebSTAR, Macjordomo, Keep-It-Up, Keep Frontier
>Running applescript) seem to automatically launch just fine. However, my
>Manila sites are invisible to web clients - they just get an error
>message saying that the site cannot be found. Example: Safari reports
>that it cannot find the server.
>All I have to do to make the sites visible is quit Frontier and let it
>automatically relaunch - then everything works correctly.
>Since the server is mostly quite reliable this hasn't caused major
>problems for me. However, if there is a power failure and the machine
>reboots the Manila sites will not be visible until I manually quit and
>relaunch Frontier.


My guess would be a problem with port forwarding, or more specifically
the timing of Frontiers request for port forwarding. I think this needs
to be done after all other requests. 

I used to run into this occasionally when I have changed my firewall and
Frontier wouldn't accept requests until restarted.

My fix was to I change the firewall to one that didn't use ipfw.

Not sure if this helps, but...


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