New Message: Re: Google Adsense and Manila/Frontier

Sandy Blankenship sjb at
Mon Sep 12 20:00:48 CDT 2005

My Alltel address is sb85756 at

Send me an email at this address when you send them.  Thanks.

> A new message was posted:
> Address:$1296
> By: Bill (crllen at
> Hello Matt,
> Thanks for the assistance. Am I right in assuming you have Google Maps
> running on your Frontier/Manila setup?
> You say:
> Well, first, you can't add your own DOCTYPE or HEAD elements to Manila
> pages without really knowing what you're doing, but I'll leave that to
> others to explain.
> Ok, I have reset the template to just the normal DOCTYPE.
> Where did you place the Script SRC [including your API Key] reference? In
> the head of your template?
> You also say:
>  Second, if the code you pasted is verbatim, you've added a semicolon in
> exactly a spot where it does not belong. The tag begins
> "<![CDATA[", not "<;![CDATA[". The latter is
> wrong, just as "<;embed>" is not the same as
> "<embed>". Check that.
> This is exactly the problem I seem to have. I am trying to paste the code
> "<![CDATA[" in to the page, but when I recheck the page it
> shows //&lt;![CDATA[
> I am not sure why this is occuring? Did this happen to you?
> You also say:
>  The reference to making the tag legal was to adding support for it
> directly in the site's ".root" file, using Frontier directly on
> the server. You can't do it through the Web interface. However, it didn't
> seem to make much difference.
> OK, thanks. I have full access to my server but I don't have enough
> knowledge to make the changes to the root file you refer to. As I
> understand you, they may not make much difference anyway?
> Any suggestions you can offer will be greatly appreicated.
> Cheers
> Bill
> This is a Manila site..

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