New Message: Re: Serving a single file

webmaster at webmaster at
Thu Feb 2 13:33:00 CST 2006

A new message was posted:


By: Matt Deatherage (frontier at

/I think that would be If you're using Apache with port rewriting, it should translate the :8080 URL to

Sam: That's a bit of a thing, isn't it? If 8080 is the port Frontier is really running on, then yes, Apache port rewriting changes the 8080 to 80 (or "nothing") so the URL comes out with no port number.

But if I actually want Apache to serve the file, I can't send the URL through Frontier, right? So I have Apache running "naked" on port 81, and all of my gems URLs start "", which poses part of my problem. I had hoped to have Frontier serve this one file instead of Apache because I can't figure out how to do it the other way.

I installed Filer, but apparently I missed something - if I have it disable gems, then all of the already-uploaded gems don't appear in Filer, and that's no good.


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