New Message: Re: Frontier Hanging and/or using excessive CPU since upgrade

webmaster at webmaster at
Tue May 22 09:47:30 CDT 2007

A new message was posted:


By: Dan Mitchell (dan at

I'm disappointed to report that my Frontier hangs continue. Sometimes I get as many as 15000+ hits before it locks up, but during the past few days it has sometimes locked up before handling even 1000 hits.

It pains me to say this, but I'm very close to leaving Frontier/Manila behind on my personal and test server. I hate to do this because I've been a Frontier fan and advocate since before Manila was even part of the system - back to when Frontier was its own content management system. I still much prefer Frontier/Manila in almost every way to the alternatives that I must now consider, but brilliant and innovative and powerful software (and Frontier/Manila is all of that) which crashes several times a day... well, you get the picture.



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