New Message: Re: /Search path

webmaster at webmaster at
Fri Jul 25 21:04:30 CDT 2008

A new message was posted:


By: Ben Collis (ben at

cheers Lawrence ...

(old news but) any item in the root of the Manila website table has the potential to have the request handled by a specific script for a specific purpose - ideal for the xml, txt and so on responses I see. There are also a lot of others that defualtly seem to work ..


/faq (on my sites it defaulty shows the 'It worked' page)
/search (defaulty thows up a search form which searches all sites on the server)
/random (evidently makes a random page appear)
/robot.txt (makes robot.txt file if the settings allow)
/wap (renders a wap version of the homepage ?)

and so on .. I guess if those items are not there in the root then the system will do the usual thing to examine if there is a /faq etc in the normal site structure and if not, send a 404.

Is there a reference somewhere online of the items on there and what they do ?

I guess that a lot of those could be removed if it was desired (e.g. faq, random, search etc).

I am proceeding cautiously with any change as I assume there are many more core manila site items in there that it would probably be wise not to mess with).

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