New Message: Re: Changing the Preferences Template

webmaster at webmaster at
Sun Jun 7 22:13:18 CDT 2009

A new message was posted:


By: Lawrence Lee (lawrence at

You can either modify the built-in prefs or you can use this functionality to use your own custom prefs.

It might be easier in your situation to just make the changes directly in the built-in prefs:


You'll want to have a script that enables for it all existing sites and then write a newSite callback to set the preference to true on new sites. And then remove that pref from the built-in prefs.

Override Member Prefs Wizards: A change to manilaSuite.prefs.prefsPage only sets pta^.wizard to the address of the site's custom prefs wizard if it's not already been set by a filter callback. This makes it possible to completely override the member prefs using a firstFilter callback, based on any criteria you choose.

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