ControlPanel: serverstats macro error

Chris Bunch chris.bunch at
Fri May 3 06:36:10 PDT 2002

The ControlPanel page on my site has started to display an error just below
the controlPanelHeader image:

[Macro error: Can't coerce the string "" into a floating point number
because it isn't in the form "1.234".]

I am running on MacOSX

There seems to be a problem in the
mainresponder.controlPanel.#tools.serverstats macro which is obtaining an
empty string with the statement:

psout = sys.unixShellCommand ("ps -auxww | grep \"" + file.fileFromPath
(frontier.getProgramPath ()) + "\"")

omm the relevant line in ps -auxww is:

cb     312   0.5 16.8   114860  43992  ??  S    5340:43.03
/Applications/Frontier/UserLand FrontierM-b?M-"
/Applications/Frontier/UserLand FrontierM-b?M-" -psn_0_917505

(sorry if this wraps!)

I can't get at the server right now to checkout what file.fileFromPath
(frontier.getProgramPath ()) returns in my environment but I suspect the
filepath may contain a funny character (such as ) which Unix is uneasy

Funny it has only recently shown up (?after upgrade to 10.1.2): has anyone
else seen this?


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