Where are macro errors recorded?

Michael 'Mickey' Sattler michael at GeekTimes.com
Mon May 20 18:25:02 PDT 2002

At 10:28 +1200 5/21/2002, Paul Kennett wrote:

>Have you got logging set at user.log.prefs?


I added a html.prefs.logMacroErrors = true in my Frontier.root in 
case having it in my Guest DB didn't work. user.html.MacroErrors is 
not populated when I generate an error (which appears on the web 

>Mine has user.log.prefs.flLogToGuestDatabase true

I set that in my Frontier.root, but still nothing appears in u.h.me.

Is any of this case-sensitive? Is it logMacroErrors or logmacroerrors?

At 17:15 -0400 5/20/2002, David Carter-Tod wrote:

>There was a thread about this *somewhere*, but I don't recall where. 
>There's a script: html.data.processMacrosCallback that's supposed to 
>call it and it's supposed to be called by html.processMacros - maybe 
>when it was kernelized this went away?

I wasn't really following the migration from Frontier 6 to 7 to 8, 
but the error logging broke for me in F7 and has remained broken in 
F8. It's just now becomming critical to an evaluation project, so I'm 
starting to rattle the cage.

I've been copying these email to frontier-bugs but getting no 
replies. Is that the official entre for support, or is it this list?

I'm guessing that this works for everyone else, and I've 
inadvertently broken something by adding a Guest DB and putting my 
template (and a few other things) into the Frontier.root?


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <mailto:michael at GeekTimes.com>
San Francisco, California, USA    <http://www.GeekTimes.com/michael/>

I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here
and there. -- Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)

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