New Message: Need Simple Solution - not RSS

webmaster at webmaster at
Wed Apr 21 17:39:55 PDT 2004

A new message was posted:


By: Melissa Green (greenmj at

I'm interested in how our Manila server can display information from one site to other sites. My first preference would be through a custom glossary item, next through a includeMessage option or last through RSS (unknown territory for us). An example of what we want to do is have sub-sites with a short story about campus events this week. From a personal sub-site I want to display the events information (based on my theme).

How can we designate a server global glossary item based on a dynamic story? (It would be great if the story could have "no events" and then the glossary would be blank, otherwise it would display the text of the story.

>From other sub-sites on our server can we display stories? I see the includeMessage macro, can it designate a story outside my site?

Is there a simple RSS to call a story?

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