Multiple Days and News Items

Kelly Arsenault DOE karsenaultlmm at
Wed May 26 07:05:09 PDT 2004

Just trying to understand a few things. Responses so far have been very
helpful. For multiple listings on the home page, I think I'm going to go
with the News mode, but:

In the Manilla User's Manual it talks about Multiple News listings where
"Days A configuable number of stories (one per day) appear on the
homepage. This is then futher goes on to explain, " The Multiple News Days
mode allows several Stories to appear on the home page. When a story on
the home page is replaced by another, it moves into an archive. The
Multiple News Days feature simply displays the current home page story
along with a selected number of the most recent ones from the archive.
You can configure this by increasing the number of news days displayed on
the home page on the Appearance preferences page for your site."  I
increased the news days in the Appearance preferences, just like it said,
and nothing happened. I still had the same single story on the home page
with no others.

Any insight on this will be greatly appreciated. Is it a "bug" or am I
missing something? My curiousity is killing me.


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