New Message: Re: Redirects with sub paths not working

webmaster at webmaster at
Wed Nov 9 00:07:19 CST 2005

A new message was posted:


By: Jake Savin (jake at

Hi Ben,

The following should do what you're asking, per your exact example, and you should be able to extrapolate from it to fit your needs:

 . . .
 <category name="pointlesspath" pathname="pointlesspath"
 <category name="anotherone" pathname="anotherone"
 <redirect pathname="somepage.htm" url="" /
 . . .

That said, perhaps an easier way to achieve this would be to write a script to do your redirects more generally, so that you don't have to create a redirect element and a bunch of category elements for each URL that you want to redirect. I (and others on this group) can give you pointers if you need them.

In any case, it's an important enough use case for us to add the ability to do more flexible redirection to the feature list for an upcoming release.

Thanks, -Jake

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